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Media and Citations

Impact Shakers City Guide: Thane with Vidyadhar Prabhudesai
WRITTEN BY Yonca Braeckman Impact ecosystem builder and misfit champion Since travel isn’t what it used to be, we decided to travel the...

Tackling youth unemployment in rural India
The World Economic Forum and the International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group, have announced the winners of their...

Journey of Vidyadhar Prabhudesai
Vidyadhar Prabhudesai in conversation with Prittle Prattle News I had no birth penalty, so I didn’t have to struggle to meet ends. I was...

Bridging the employability gap
More than 90 per cent of the youth who are coming out of India's graduate schools are not industry ready in any manner - a complexity...

EURO and an Indian Dream
The United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF), World Bank - I use these names when I am conversing with my clients or whoever I...

Creating digital businesses: Disrupting industries
Merely digitizing a business is not enough to survive disruption. It takes creation of a digital business to redefine the product,...

Doha Forum, 2013
The 13th Doha Forum draws together political leaders, academics, analysts, representatives of intergovernmental organisations and other...

10 Fastest Growing Data Analytics Companies 2016
LeadCap Ventures, is a 15-years-old global research and consulting firm. With presence in Asia, Africa and Europe, LeadCap engages ...

रोजगाराचा ग्लोबल मार्ग
ठाण्याच्या विद्याधर प्रभुदेसाईच्या निबंधाचा सन्मान (Read more) म. टा. प्रतिनिधी । ठाणे बेरोजगारीवर मात करण्यासाठीच्या उपाययोजनांबाबत...

विद्याधर प्रभुदेसाई यांना प्रियदर्शनी अॅवॉर्ड
म. टा. वृत्तसेवा, ठाणे दिल्लीच्या नॅशनल युनिटी कॉन्फरन्सच्या वतीने देण्यात येणारा यंदाचा इंदिरा गांधी प्रियदर्शनी अॅवॉर्ड ठाण्यातील...
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