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Media and Citations

One Step Towards Saving The Planet
On July 18th, 2020, former US Vice President Al Gore and The Climate Reality Project hosted the first-ever Climate Reality Leadership...

Thanekar takes on “The Climate Reality”
Vidyadhar Prabhudesai (39), an entrepreneur and a resident of Thane Panchpakhadi was selected to attend The Climate Reality Leadership...

India’s book of dreams, “I dream…” addressed to the Honorable President of India, launched at KidZan
Project Dream On India’s unique collector’s edition book called “I Dream… – India’s future through the eyes of her future” was launched...

Bottom-Up Inspiration / Vidyadhar Prabhudesai / Podcast
Episode Description The most relatable inspiration comes from the 'aam aadmi', the common man who you probably see every day, not from...

How to close the gender gap? Go to the villages
By V. Prabhudesai Here in the Wayanad district of Kerala, India, we are transforming an entire village into the first ever “Leadership...

ठाण्याच्या तरुणाचा 'ग्लोबल'सन्मान
भारतातील पहिल्या 'लीडरशीप व्हिलेज'ची स्थापना करणाऱ्या, देशातील तरुणांमध्ये नेतृत्त्वगुणांच्या पेरणीसाठी बहुमूल्य योगदान देणाऱ्या आणि...

विद्याधर प्रभुदेसाई
बेरोजगारांच्या संख्येत दिवसागणिक वाढ होत असताना ही भीषण समस्या कशी सोडवावी, या समस्येवरचा कदाचित आतापर्यंतचा सर्वात प्रभावी तोडगा...

शहराच्या समस्यांचा अभ्यास करणार ‘ठाणे हब’
ढासळणारे हवामान असो वा सुशिक्षितांपुढे उभा ठाकलेला बेरोजगारीचा प्रश्न, ठाण्यासारख्या स्मार्ट सिटीतही निर्माण झालेल्या समस्यांचा वेध घेत...

Interview with Global Shaper Vidyadhar Prabhudesai
Vidyadhar is one of the founding members for LeadCap Ventures and currently heads its operations in Mumbai, Delhi and Bahrain. As a...

Indians win international essay contest
Two Indians are among the winners of a World Bank sponsored international essay competition on the growing youth unemployment crisis....
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